Associate Professor Morgan Carpenter, PhD, M.Bioeth, M.InfTech

University of Sydney School of Public Health

Morgan Carpenter, PhD, is an Associate Professor at Sydney Health Ethics, in the University of Sydney School of Public Health, Faculty of Medicine and Health. Morgan is an internationally recognised expert on human rights and ethics in relation to the treatment of people with innate variations of sex characteristics (also known as intersex variations or differences of sex development). His work focuses on medicine, health policy and social policy.
Morgan is also the Executive Director of InterAction for Health and Human Rights, a charity that promotes the health and human rights of people with innate variations of sex characteristics through advocacy and psychosocial support services. He is also an inaugural member of the Australian Capital Territory’s new Variations in Sex Characteristics Restricted Medical Treatment Assessment Board, and the New South Wales government’s LGBTIQ+ Advisory Council.
Morgan has been contracted to the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights, the Australian Capital Territory government and the Australian Institute of Health and Welfare. He is a reference or advisory group member for the Australian Department of Health and Aged Care, Australian Bureau of Statistics and New South Wales Health, and formerly for UNSW/the George Institute